Join 40,000+ getting mindf*cked with trading tips every week while reading The Geek Letter

(you’ll learn a bit about life & business too.)


Become a MILLIONAIRE Trader in 6 months

Aug 27, 2023


I Disappeared for 6 months

After the 6 months ended, my friends all told me “You have changed. You have become a whole new person, Brad” 

So it was at the start of 2021 on 8 March 2021 to be exact, when I just started my 6 months internship at this real estate company. 

It was a 9 to 5 deskbound job which meant that I had to go to the office every day, sit in my cubicle and stare at the laptop screen. 

My job scope was to help to calculate and compute the property tax for big companies in Singapore. 

At that point of time, I was still learning how to trade. 

So I told myself that during this entire 6 months internship, I would disappear from the world and just focus on working my 9 to 5 internship and also mastering trading. 

My goal was to learn everything about trading during these 6 months so I can start trading a live account after the 6 months have ended. 

I hated looking at the screen and computing numbers using Excel sheets everyday. 

I hated the fact that all my colleagues were all middle aged women, instead of young pretty chicks. 

I hated eating lunch alone in the tiny office pod because I had no friends. I hated spending 2 hours traveling back and forth from my office to my house. 

I hated how low my pay was. My salary was only $650 per month. I told myself that this will be my first and last time working a 9 to 5 job.

So I must become successful at trading so that in the future I can work from anywhere in the world instead of being stuck in a depressing tiny little cubicle. 

During these 6 months, my daily routine was that I would wake up at around 7am and go to my office and start computing property tax data on Excel sheets with my laptop. 

Whenever I had free time like during lunch, I would study trading 

Sometimes I would even try to complete all my work in the morning so that I can spend the remainder of my afternoon in this tiny office pod and study trading. 

I would bring a physical notebook and my iPad to the office. So I can use the office laptop to watch the trading course that I bought while taking down notes on my notebook and iPad. 

I would end work at around 6pm and take the train which will take 1 hour for me to travel home. So I will reach home at 7pm. 

Guess what I did after reaching home? 

Do I just lay down on the couch, chill and watch netflix or play video games? 

NO I continued studying how to trade forex! 

I was reading trading books, watching online courses, taking down notes and practicing using a demo account. 

I was also journaling all the trades that I took so I can learn from my mistakes. 

No matter how tired I was from my 9 to 5 job, I made sure that I always made time to study how to trade, day in and day out. 

So from around 7pm to 12am, I pretty much just studied trading and

practiced how to analyze the charts using price action. 

During these 6 months, I also shut out all the distractions, rarely use social media unless it's for useful purposes, and most of the time my phone was on airplane mode which means NO ONE can reach me. 

Whenever my friends ask me to hang out, I would always say NO thanks because I just simply did not have the time to do so. 

I was also exercising 3 times a week, usually on the weekends. I also read self improvement books and meditate quite frequently I fell in love with forex trading. It was my full time girlfriend. This was my life for the whole 6 months, from March till August 2021. 

Now looking back I am so glad that I disappeared for 6 months because all my hard work paid off in the end. 

Because of those 6 months, my life changed forever and now I have access to time, location and financial freedom. 

We are currently living in the easiest time to become a millionaire. 

The financial market alone has made more millionaires than any other business. 

If you want to change your life, I suggest putting ALL your effort into learning how to trade profitably. 

I have a challenge for you. 

If you still haven’t made at least $1M from trading, Disappear for 6 months.

No distractions 

Fully focused on mastering trading, a skill with no cap to the amount of money you can potentially make 

These 6 months can change your life forever 

Use these 6 months to fully optimize your body and mind for trading. 

How bad do you want it? 

It is your destiny and it is your duty to your family to provide and protect them. It's your responsibility to provide a better life for your kids than you had. 

It’s time to raise your standards. Dream bigger. Aim higher  

What should you do during these 6 months? 

During these 6 months , what do you actually need to do? 

The main goal during these 6 months is to you can get ahead of 90% of people financially, physically, and mentally. 

To do that, you need 4 daily wins:

Financial win: Working, building, trading, leading… 

Mental Win: Reading, writing, creating, learning… 

Physical win: Walking, running, lifting, swimming… 

Spiritual win: Praying, meditating, studying, growing… 

Become a complete winner in all areas of life. 

I have included a habit tracker called The Profits Matrix, to help you with this 6 months challenge. 

The Profits Matrix is a weekly habit tracker that will help you achieve all your trading goals and reach your fullest potential as a trader. 

Financial Win

If you don’t know where you are going, how will you get there? If you don’t know the path, how will you avoid wrong turns? 

If you don’t know why, how will you get through the bumps and setbacks that will come? 

You don’t need motivation. You need these 3 things: 

  • clear vision for your dream life 
  • clear “WHY” 
  • clear path for how you will get there

Clear Vision 

The first thing I want you to do is to spend 1 hour or so to clearly write out your vision for your future.

This will save you from wasting years of stress and frustration and money. 

Think about: 

  • What do you want to achieve from trading? 
  • What does your ideal lifestyle look like? 
  • How much money do you want to make each year? 
  • How many vacations do you want to go with your family? 

When you write out a vision plan, you will gain clarity on where you are going. 

The secret to a strong vision plan is to have a compelling reason why.

Why are you working so hard? Why do you want to start trading? 

My WHY was that I wanted to retire my father.

I wanted to give my future children a life I never had. 

Because I had such a strong WHY, I never once gave up whenever I encountered a setback in my trading journey. 

Even after blowing over 10 accounts in my first year, I refused to give up. I kept going and eventually, I made it. 

  1. Break down your vision into yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals 
  2. Turn these goals into projects so that you have something tangible to work on everyday 
  3. With your vision in mind, start building and learning. 
  4. Work on your trading daily regardless of whether you know what you are doing.

It's better to start, then learn. Because that’s the best way to learn 

By now, you should have a vague picture of what you want to accomplish before you die. 

How close you get to achieving the goal will determine the quality of your life. 

If it remains beyond reach, you will become resentful. 

If you achieve at least a part of it, you will experience a sense of happiness and satisfaction. 

Progress towards your goals and take one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself every day, 

That is my definition of happiness and what I think truly makes us happy. 

If you don’t suffer the pain of hard work now, you will suffer the pain of regret later 

Clear Path

After you have gained clarity on your vision and your goals, you need to gain clarity on your path. The path that will get you to your vision. 

If you are watching this, most likely the path you have chosen is trading. 

Then write down the things you have to do that will really help you make more money from trading: 

  • Get locked into master trading 
  • Learn everything you can about trading 
  • Practice as much as possible 
  • Record every trade and reflect
  • Learn from losses 

When you’re focused on what you’re doing, you’re directing your energy toward your goals and you achieve better results. 

It’s easier to set other things aside when you know what you should focus on. 

During these 6 months, focus on mastering trading and getting extremely good at it. 

If you want to learn how to master trading, watch How to Trade for a Living as a BEGINNER. 

In this video, I already talk about everything you need to know about trading so I'm not going to waste your time and repeat it all over again in the video.

Apply whatever you have learnt in that video fully and I can guarantee you that if you apply the principles correctly, you will become profitable at trading. 

Do at least 2 to 4 hours of deep and concentrated work every day. 

4 hours of deep work will always be better than 8 hours of distracted and unfocused work. 

These deep work sessions will engage your flow state.

The flow state is basically those moments of absolute attention and total absorption when you get so focused on the task at hand that everything else disappears. 

It's an optimum state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best. 

Action and awareness merge. Your sense of self vanishes. Time passes strangely and performance just soars 

Pursuing a goal brings order in awareness because you must concentrate all your attention on the task at hand and ignore everything else. 

These periods of struggling to overcome challenges are what people find to be the most enjoyable times of their lives. 

Wake up early 

Wake up at 5 a.m. where it is the most peaceful because no one else is awake. 

I like to think of it this way.

The world has a finite amount of energy flowing around.

When you wake up at 5am, you will get access to the highest amount of this energy. 

The rest of the world is waking up at 7am or even 8am. By waking up at 5am, you gain an advantage over the rest of the world.

When you are outworking everyone else, luck will be on your side. 

If you snooze, you lose. 

By snoozing your alarm, you have already suffered the first loss of the day. 

Your subconscious mind registers this and your day will most likely end up being unproductive because of this. 

Wake up and live your life with purpose and meaning.

Mental Win

Your mind is your #1 asset. 

Education does not end when you graduate from your school. That’s when the real education starts. 

Reading will change your life 

At the age of 17, I was still a dead broke high school student. 

One day, I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw this post that said all billionaires read books. 

And then the algorithm kept showing me book recommendations after book recommendations.

So I thought it was a sign. It's time to start reading so I can change my life and become rich. 

I started reading self-improvement books and finance books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think Like a Monk, The 5am Club and The 4 Hour Workweek.

Even though these books didn’t make me rich, it made me rethink everything the schools and society has taught me. 

Because of these books, I started to think like successful people.

Even though I was broke, I would act like successful people and do productive habits like wake up at 5am, exercise for 1 hour and meditate then work. 

Before this, I have never really been a book person because I was always addicted to cheap dopamine like video games and social media. 

The first trading book I read was 10 Essentials of Forex Trading. 

And I actually got it from a second hand bookstore so the pages were yellow and not in the best condition since it was preowned.

Back then, I couldn’t really afford to buy books because I wanted to save money. 

So after school, I would go to either the library or second-hand bookstores. 

I was starting to love reading books but I set a limit to the amount of money I would spend on books. 

I only had a few hundred dollars in my bank account so I told myself that I would only spend less than $20 on a book. 

You can learn someone’s lifetime worth of wisdom in a few hours. That’s the power of a good book. 

There’s this book called Meditations which is a series of personal reflections written by Marcus Aurelius who was a Roman Emperor.

The book contains his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. 

You can literally get inside the head of a Roman Emperor and learn how a great leader thinks. 

Start reading self-improvement, finance, business, philosophy, and trading books. 

Here are some quick book recommendations: 

  1. Trading in the Zone 
  2. The 10X Rule 
  3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck 
  4. The Way of the Superior Man 
  5. The Psychology of Mone

Make reading a habit. Spend at least 100 minutes everyday reading and you will become smarter than 99% of people around you.

Consume with purpose 

In addition to reading, schedule a minimum of 60 minutes dedicated to mindfully consuming content that will help you learn trading 

When you do use social media, don’t use it for the sake of entertainment or cheap dopamine. 

Stop wasting your time by looking at the hot girl shaking her ass on TikTok.

Stop looking at what your friends are doing on a Friday night.

Stop searching for memes that can make you laugh for 5 seconds. None of that matters. 

Focus on yourself. Focus on consuming content with purpose.

Consume content that will help you progress in trading and in life.

Buy books, watch YouTube videos, save podcasts, follow social media accounts of successful traders 

Learn from the best 

Study professional traders and learn how they think and how they trade. 

I became successful at trading when I started emulating successful traders and how they think 

Study people you want to be like, download and buy everything they have to offer.

Download the free resources they offer.

Buy their course so you can learn from them. 

Reverse engineer what allows them to be successful 

If you want to learn how I made over 6 figures from trading at the age of 20, go watch all my YouTube videos.

I literally documented my entire trading journey, my trading strategies and my thought process when I'm live trading in all these videos.

And if you want to shortcut your trading journey by learning everything I know about trading, check out The Trading Blueprint course 

Spend time in solitude and journaling. 

Write to gain clarity in your mind. 

Journal and document your whole journey. 

Journal your trades so you can learn from your losses. 

Start writing your thoughts down every morning or night. 

Replace the destructive habits that keep you poor with habits that will break you free 

You won’t see the results immediately.

Be okay with that.

Just like how the sun comes up every day, you have to show up every day without fail, whether you feel like it or not.

If you do the right thing consistently, you will win eventually 

Physical Win

Go to the gym 

Hit the gym. Lift some weights. Do some pushups. Go for a run or a swim.

The gym is so much more than getting bigger muscles to impress girls.

When you start working out, every aspect of your life improves.

You don’t have to do some crazy CrossFit or run marathons.

You just need to get your heart rate up to keep your body healthy and fit. 

Regardless of what you do in the gym, you should have a solid routine that builds your body in some way. 

Your trading account is a reflection of your state of mind. 

Your state of mind is a reflection of your physical state. 

Your physical state is a reflection of your daily habits.

A strong body leads to a strong mind and a strong mind leads to more profits.

I don't exercise so I can be a bodybuilder or powerlifter. 

I exercise so I can have a clearer mind so I can think and trade better.

I exercise so I can have a healthier body and a stronger mind. 

I used to go to the gym to train my body. Now I go to the gym to train my mind. 

Lift the heavy weights so I can have the discipline to do the hard things.

To mentally prepare myself for the tough times. 

To prepare my mind for whatever hardship life will throw at me.

The day when something unfortunate happens to my parents.

The day where I lost $10k on a trade. 

The day when I lose the ability to do what I love. 

As you grow older, you will realize that life is filled with setbacks and tough times with a few moments of bliss. 

Learn to find peace in suffering. 

Get comfortable in being uncomfortable. 

Daily exercise also helps to build mental discipline. 

Especially those days where you don’t feel like working out but you do it anyway.

That will give you a shot of confidence boost and add one point to your mental discipline. 

Discipline is not an option, but a must in trading. 

The discipline required to follow your trading plan. 

The discipline required to use the correct lot size. 

The discipline required to wait for the perfect trade setup.

Discipline is the only secret to profitability. 

Start eating cleaner 

Combine the gym, and a clean diet together, and you'll have the body of a Greek God. 

Stop eating processed foods or junk food.

Eat your veggies, eat your fruits, meat and fish. 

Just because Warren Buffet eats Mcdonald's every day doesn’t mean you should eat McDonald's every day. 

Health is Wealth. 

What’s the point of having so much money if you die young because you have been indulging in all this unhealthy food? 

And also drink 3 to 4L of water everyday

Hit your protein goal 

Most people don't consume enough protein throughout the day. 

Resulting in zero muscle growth or in some scenarios the loss of muscle mass. 

If you are exercising regularly, you should eat 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight.

So if you are 50kg, aim to eat 100g of protein for optimum muscle growth. 

If you struggle to hit your protein goal for the day, supplement with whey protein. 

Sleep 7 to 8 hours per night 

Not enough sleep will have a negative impact on anything you do in life. Less muscle gain, less focus, less testosterone, less weight loss. 

Your daily life will be positively or negatively influenced by the amount you sleep. 

If you need to wake up at 5 am the next day, go to bed earlier, maybe at 10 pm so you can have at least 7 hours of rest. 

Spiritual Win

I'm going to be honest and say that I don’t know shit about spirituality or aligning your chakras so I was actually considering whether to put this section in.

But here are some of my thoughts anyways

Start meditating 

No, you don't have to become a monk and go to the top of the mountain to meditate. 

Stress, anxiety, and depression are killers of productivity and killers of profits. 

The reason why meditation is so important in trading is because it helps to reduce anxiety and stress and allows you to feel more peaceful and rational when trading. 

It helps to keep you focused on the present moment and can program your mind to avoid making trades based on harmful emotions like greed and fear etc 

A lot of you think that meditation is very hard and complicated when in reality it's actually quite simple because I am going to simplify it for you.

I would recommend you to start meditating for at least 10 minutes. 

  1. Position yourself somewhere where it's quiet and you are all alone. 
  2. Close your eyes and start to breathe.
  3. When you breathe, concentrate on the air flowing in and out from your nose.
  4. Whenever your mind wanders and starts thinking about what you are going to eat later or sexual thoughts, bring it back to the breath
  5. Focus on the sensation of your breath

It's really just as simple as that

Comparison kills. 

Everyone’s trading journey is different and if you keep looking at social media, you tend to compare yourself with other traders who are more successful than you. 

Some of them have been trading for 5 to 10 years. 

While you are only in your 1st year of course they are going to be more successful than you.

They have put in years of hard work while you have only just started running in this marathon 

So don’t compare your Chapter 1 with someone else Chapter 10 

Spend time in nature 

In this modern world where everything just seems to be moving so fast, we humans are spending less and less time outdoors. 

Spending time with Mother Nature can help you relieve stress and anxiety, and increase your creativity and focus.

Most importantly, it teaches us to live more in the present moment. 

I used to go for walks in the parks near my house and I would feel the oxygen filling up my lungs, the warm sunlight hitting my face, and my body just relaxing. 

Sometimes I would listen to a podcast while I'm on these walks. 

Sometimes I would even record videos of me talking to the camera about my life. 

If you go onto YouTube and search “The Trading Geek Real Talks”, you will see videos of me walking around in public, and telling you stories of my life with the camera from my iPhone XR.

Wealth, power, and sex will not bring you happiness. 

I can buy you a Lamborghini right now and you will be happy for 1 day or even 1 week.

But then after the happiness fades away, you will end up as dissatisfied as you were before I gave you the car. 

Find true happiness and fulfillment in the optimal experiences that add up to a sense of mastery. 

These 6 months might seem hard at first. 

You might think it's impossible for you to just disappear from the world because you have obligations and commitments to your friends and your family. 

Let me tell you this harsh truth:

You are not doing anyone a favor by remaining the same, remaining at where you are right now in life. 

Trust me, just start doing this challenge for 1 week and you will realize that you feel more peaceful and happy than ever. 

And then allow the momentum to take over. 

Soon 1 week will become 1 month.

Then 1 month will become 6 months.

And you will emerge out of these 6 months as a whole new person. 

A modern renaissance high-value man or woman who is respected and admired by others. 

All because you put in the work and you paid your dues.

Once again, make sure you download The Profits Matrix which will help you track your habits during this 6 months challenge! 

I recommend you to document your journey throughout this entire 6 months by posting videos or photos of you doing this challenge on social media and put a #RoadmapToMastery and tag me in it so I can repost it! 

So the real question is: Are you ready to change your life? 

Or are you going to regret on your deathbed knowing that you did not live up to your fullest potential and you could have done more with your life?  

Would you sacrifice 6 months for a lifetime of freedom?

- Brad (The Trading Geek)

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